PUSH launched officially on May 1st, 2021 and since then it has been a nonstop whirlwind for our all-volunteer team!
In honor of our 8 months in existence, here are 8 highlights from our first year (links to more info about each of these below!):

Check out more info about the highlights above here:
National Press - NYC Onesie Walk Press Release & Video/Photos and see our PUSH Changemakers in other National & Local Media & Press including The Washington Post, TODAY.com, Parents, Good Morning America, and more!
NYC Rainbow Clinic - Learn about the Rainbow Clinic initiative and donate to the start-up fund for years 1-3
Celebrity Spokesperson - Meet our resident loss mama warrior extraordinaire
Explosive Awareness - Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Clubhouse to see what all the fuss is about! Don't miss our recent collaborations with Mommy Labor Nurse, Juna Moms, and Pregnancy After Loss Support. And if you love a baby who has died, be sure to follow the #StillCounts Awareness Campaign pages (@stillcountsorg) for content tailored especially for you, including Oct 15th Wave of Light highlights, PAL resources, and bereaved parent conversations
Historic Legislation - We teamed up with our partners at 2 Degrees Foundation, Healthy Birth Day/Count the Kicks, Return to Zero: H.O.P.E., Quietly United In Loss Together, and many others to @shineforstillbirth and advocate for the SHINE for Autumn Act (which passed the House!) because it's time to #LetItSHINE in honor of all babies born still!
Stillbirth Symposium - View the recording (free!) of our 2021 Online Stillbirth Diagnosis & Prevention Symposium to get the latest research directly from international experts
Measure the Placenta - We've teamed up with Measure the Placenta to keep the pressure on ACOG to make stillbirth prevention a priority, especially the Estimated Placental Volume (EPV) technique
March on DC in 2022 - More than 25 partner organizations are helping us coordinate The Big PUSH to End Preventable Stillbirth, a national awareness campaign culminating in a 23,000 empty stroller march in Washington, DC in October 2022. Sign up to join us!
And make no mistake: we are JUST getting started!
We are here to end preventable stillbirth, and we're not taking no for an answer.
Help us hit the ground running in 2022 by DONATING TODAY.
Together, we can make sure that more parents and babies make it home safe together.
Donate here to send your 2021 tax-deductible gift before January 1st!
#UnitedWePush For Families, For Babies, For Change.